I have been invited by Kenneth Slowik, the artistic director of the Baroque Performance Insititute at the Oberlin Conservatory, to present a lecture recital as a part of the BPI. This would be my first performaince in mainland USA. I hope to devise a lecture recital around all the famous solo 17th-century viol composers, namely Hotman, Dubuisson, Sainte Colombe, Machy and Marais. Perhaps a 'best of solo viol' concert culminating in a chaconne would go down well.
While the Oberlin Conservatory has offered me a full scholarship to the event, I will need to find my way to Cleveland International Airport all by myself. I have applied for ArtsWA's Artflight grant to help with this. I managed to get 3 excellent letters of support from Suzanne Wijsman, Stewart Smith and Miriam Morris. Special thanks to them.
If I should be succesful in acquiring the grant, I will be using this blog to document the process, including the 30 plus hour flight from Perth to Cleveland, Ohio! That would certainly be very interesting. If I have an internet connection in Oberlin Conservatory, I would definitely post from there. I expect many, many, many photos.