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Classical albums reviews with Ben Lunn

Review by Ben Lunn for Morning Star.

"Shaun Ng’s playing is a joy, and he is a musician truly in command of his instrument."

The work of Marais has been close to me for many years, not least because he was one of, if not the composer I kept playing when I was a naive student having a go at the viol.

This CD features four suites by De Machy, which are not only a great introduction to the composer, but also a wonderful way for those unfamiliar with the expressive potential of a viol to become acquainted with a very dear instrument.

Shaun Ng’s playing is a joy, and he is a musician truly in command of his instrument. The character of each movement of the suite is treated carefully, and without knowing the differences between a courante or allemande a listener can feel that character without it becoming stale or mechanical.

For my first encounter with Ng’s playing, this is a very welcome discovery.